Tag: Fauna
Weird Ways Reptiles and Amphibians Survive the Winter
How do frogs, snakes and turtles make it through the winter months in places that see blankets of snow, iced-over lakes and sub-freezing temperatures year after year? Read this article by Mark Mancini.
Fall in Love with the Woods
We had three days of beautiful fall weather to fall in love with the woods. Judy Schmidt led three interpretive walks through the 90 acres of woods. Judy pointed out pileated woodpeckers, turtles, native and invasives plants, etc. These are five pictures from one of the walks. Join us for one or a series of…
Stump Story by Judith Schmidt
A tree stands on the lawn of Scarlett Middle School, between the bus turn-around loop and the entrance to Mitchell-Scarlett Woods. The tree is a black walnut, but instead of a single trunk it has multiple trunks, some of which rise to a height of fifty feet or more. Because it stands alone, its branches…
Vernal pools
Vernal pools are seasonal pools of water that provide habitat for distinctive plants and animals (“vernal” meaning: “of, in, or appropriate to spring”). Vernal pools are a type of wetland usually devoid of fish, and forms a great habitat for amphibians, especially frogs and insect species. Most pools are dry for at least part of…
Spring Beauty Bees and Spring Beauty Wildflowers
Read Spring Beauties: Bee + Bloom by Jo Brichetto an article from Sidewalk Nature