Category: Summer
Sugar Maple vs Black Maple
Learn to distinguish the difference between sugar maple and black maple. One can find both species in Mitchell Scarlett Woods and Scarlett Mitchell Parks. Visit article of Sugar Maple vs Black Maple on
Poison ivy
Poison ivy versus Virginia Creeper, know the difference Poison ivy come in many forms. It is commonly having 3 leaf clusters hence the common expression “leaves of three, let it be” and has 3 lobs to the leaf. Virginia Creeper is known for its 5 leaves.
Vernal pools
Vernal pools are seasonal pools of water that provide habitat for distinctive plants and animals (“vernal” meaning: “of, in, or appropriate to spring”). Vernal pools are a type of wetland usually devoid of fish, and forms a great habitat for amphibians, especially frogs and insect species. Most pools are dry for at least part of…