Author: Phil Huhn

  • Honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae family)

    Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae family) is not native to the Michigan woodland forest. This is one of the main invasive species in Scarlett Mitchell Woods. Honeysuckle will crowd out native plants. Honeysuckle is one of the first plant to have green leaves in the spring and is one of the last plants to have leaves in the…

  • Dryad’s Saddle

    Dryad's Saddle fungus attached to a downed tree

    Dryad’s Saddle (Cerioporus squamosus) was seen on the Spring Unfolding 2023 event on Saturday May 13. This fungus is attached to a downed tree around the south side of the pond. Other shelves of Dryad’s Saddle were on the log. Wikipedia for Dryad’s Saddle Missouri Department of Conservation

  • Green Heron

    Green Heron on the Pond

    Green Heron (Butorides virescens) was spotted on the Spring Unfolding 2023 event on Saturday May 13. This solitary bird joined use for the event. It landed on the branch laying in the pond. It moved around on the branch. Audibon Field Guide for Green Heron Wikipedia article

  • FSMW Board Meeting #15-Canceled (July 2023)

    Scarlett Mitchell Woods entrance sign

    (Canceled) Online Zoom Meeting July 27 7:30, Thursday To explore the creation of an on-going organization of community members to help manage and care for Scarlett Mitchell Woods, the central 40 acres of the Scarlett Mitchell Nature Area. This area contains the heart of the woods and the pond, which was dredged in 1982. It…

  • Ann Arbor – Visit Every Park Challenge

    The Visit Every Park Challenge is kicking of it’s 2023 season. Could this be the year you join the coveted VEP cha​mpions club? The 2023 Visit Every Park Guide contains a checklist of all 162 park properties​ that is sure to inspire your park exploration journey. Our very own Scarlett Mitchell Woods (Nature Area) is one of the 162 Ann Arbor city parks.

  • White tail deer

    A white tail deer on the crest of a hill at dusk

    This picture of a white tail deer on the crest of a hill at dusk was taken on May 5, 2023 at 8:56 PM. This was in the Scarlett Mitchell Woods west section. The deer currently travel from the neighborhoods north of the schools and Turnberry, all the way to Mary Beth Doyle Park woods.…

  • Workday – July 1, 2023

    Workday July 2023

    This is the 1st Saturday of the monthly workday to help preserve Scarlett Mitchell Woods from 10 am to 1:00PM. We walked through and evaluate the following invasive species:

  • Spring Peepers

    Frog icon

    Spring evenings means the sounds of spring peepers. This was recorded on my phone on May 23rd, 2023 at 9:26 pm.

  • Loop Trail Walk in the Spring

    Loop trail entrance

    Contains sixteen photos of the loop trail. These photos were taken on May 20, 2023. I was in the woods on May 13, 2023 and the leaves were middle size and within a week became full leaf. I was very surprised how fast the tree leaves changed. I took pictures on May 10th of the…

  • Workday – June 3, 2023

    Workday June of 2023

    This is the 1st of the monthly workday to help preserve Scarlett Mitchell Woods from 8:00 to 11:00 am. It was a hot day, so we started at 8:00 am.  Approximately, 12 persons spread wood chips on the path from 150 feet from the pond split and south trail.