Online Zoom Meeting January 16 7:30, Thursday
FSMW is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. In this meeting we will explore what we as a community can do to manage and care for Scarlett Mitchell Woods, the central 40 acres of the Scarlett Mitchell Nature Area. This area contains the heart of the woods and the pond, which was dredged in 1982. It is owned by the Ann Arbor Public Schools and is no longer managed by Nature Area Preservation. Help us to implement actions to fulfill our vision of Scarlett Mitchell Woods hosting native life, that contains no invasive species, and that invites community members to walk, enjoy and learn.
For more information contact: Judy Schmidt or phone Mike at: 734-395-8959
- Hellos / Introductions as needed
- Adoption / Modification of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting
- News, Announcements and Reports
- Old Business
- NAP Work Plan – Judy, Michael
- Business Cards – link – Autumn
- Naming of Manfred’s Pond (
- New Business
- FSMW Brochure Draft – Phil
- Trail Map – Michael
- Ice on Pond – Pat
- Review Attachment 1, “Activities Calendar” – All
- Review Attachment 2, “Inventory of Ideas” – as needed
- Next Meeting: February 20, 2025
- Adjournment
Attachment 2: Inventory of Ideas: Field Days! Lots of Options!
- (aka Ideas for Spring Unfolding and other seasonal walks in the woods)
Education and Fun
- Search for amphibians – learn their calls – March/April
- Identify Fungi – early spring – September/October Study Group
- Spring Ephemerals – (Spring Beauty, May Apples, Trillium, etc) April/May
- Insect relationships – Native bees; carrion beetles; mosquitoes, caterpillars
- Birding for beginners – Spring migration
- Owl prowl
- Pond dipping – May
- Vernal pools
- Geology of the woods – study group?
- Mosses and lichens – study group?
- Tree flowers and buds
- Bat house
Data Collection
- Library tool collection (?)
- Binoculars
- Measure highway noise in the woods – various seasons
- Solicit expertise from our Friends group and the wider community
- Using identification apps
- FSMW Walk to evaluate which areas to concentrate on next
Work Days
- Searching for and pulling garlic mustard, and other tender invasive plants
- Removing buckthorn baggies
- Obtaining and spreading wood chips on the trails
- Fixing boards on trails
- Coating benches
- Repainting signposts so they are readable
- Planting seeds and seedlings
- Repair or replace trail markers that are rotting. Do we have a scout troop we can contact?
- Remove poison ivy
- Pocket Forest planting and maintenance
Meeting Minutes
- Hellos / Introductions as needed. No introductions needed.
- Adoption / Modification of Agenda. Agenda adopted.
- Approval of Minutes of Prior Meeting. Minutes approved.
- News, Announcements and Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (PF): We now have an account with Lowe’s so we can make purchases without paying sales tax. PF did not report the amount in our account, but it hasn’t changed much since last month. (PH bought some lumber for boardwalk repair.) PF will report the actual amount next month.
- Nature Club (PF): The club is still going strong; the kids love taking out invasives and using big tools. The club will continue to meet through the winter as long as the kids keep coming.
- Volunteer Hours (AJ): We had 175.5 volunteer hours in 2024, an in-kind value of $5483. MB noted that this will help with grant applications.
- Website Report (PH). PH has updated the home page photos for winter and will continue to change them seasonally.
- Old Business
- NAP Work Plan (Judy S). Judy S submitted the plan, received questions from NAP, and is in the process of responding.
- StoryMap (Judy S). Leah from NAP offered to attend one of our meetings to discuss the possibility of making a story map that people can access from their phones to learn the history and natural features of the park as they walk through. She made one for Furstenberg Park that Judy S found impressive. We are interested in hearing more and will invite her to a future meeting. Judy S may meet with her earlier and report back to the Board.
- Business Cards – link (AJ). AJ showed three versions of a FSMW business card, and we agreed on which one to print.
- Naming Pond (MB). MB’s resolution to name the pond “Manfred’s Pond” was approved unanimously.
- New Business
- FSMW Brochure Draft (PH). We looked at the draft brochure and approved the text.
- Trail Map for Brochure (MB). MB and PF presented two versions of trail maps, and we debated the accuracy of the trails mapped. PF and MB will walk and map the trails together to confirm which trails are actually present. MB will author the final map. DH suggested adding distances for segments. Next steps: finalize map, add it to the brochure, and get brochures printed. We decided to put brochures in the covered mailbox at the Turnberry entrance and post a QR code linking to the map in the kiosk at the main entrance. We will see how much use these get and then decide how best to use the brochures.
- Taking Advantage of Ice on Pond (PF). PF shared a flyer for Thurston Pond Frozen Fest, which involves skating, hot cocoa, music, and opportunities to donate. We might consider planning a similar event in the future. PF noted that the Nature Club members had great time on the ice. Ice must be 4” deep for safe skating, and she has researched how to test depth of ice. MB will add a Frozen Fest-type event to our list of possible future projects.
- Review Attachment 1, “Activities Calendar” (All). We planned the next workday for Saturday, February 1. If weather permits, we will continue the boardwalk work.
- Review Attachment 2, “Inventory of Ideas” – as needed. MB will add an ice skating event. Judy S said that the Ann Arbor Distract Library is having relevant nature-related classes that might inspire complementary FSMW events. PH suggested an owl night; he has heard owls in the woods.
- Next Meeting: February 20, 2025
- Adjournment.
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