Oak Tree, leaves, bark, nuts

Red Oak

Oak (genus Quercus) is a hardwood tree.  Oak timber is commonly used in construction and furniture-making.  Oak barrels are used for aging alcoholic beverages such as wine, sherry and whisky, giving them an added flavor and aromas.  Oak smoke is used to flavor a number of food products.  Oak trees have a large number of pests and diseases, including oak wilt.

The oak leaves have spirally arranged leaves (in the image the leaves radiate from a center), often with lobed edges.

The nut called acorn is about 1 inch long.  The acorn is borne in a cup-like structure known as a cupule.   Acorns are edible by man or animal.   Squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons and bear eat the acorns.  Acorns are poisonous in large quantities to livestock due to the toxin tannic acid.  Acorns are subject to acorn weevil pest.


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