WHAT: End of summer Nature Walk Featuring Solidago & Sunflower/Pollinators & Predators
WHEN: 10:00am Saturday, September 7, 2024
WHERE: Meet at the main entrance showcase (kiosk) to Scarlett Mitchell Woods. We’ll explore the rain gardens at Scarlett Middle and Mitchell Elementary schools.
WHY: Solidago is the scientific name of Goldenrod. If the weather is right, you’ll be amazed at the number of pollinators that hang around this familiar but under-appreciated family of plants.
Goldenrod is at its peak right now as many bees, wasps and other native pollinators end their life cycle and some prepare to over winter. We’ll also look for predators such as the very strange Ambush bug, which believes it or not has inspired its own comic book!
Some of what we observed is as follows:
- Ragweed
- Goldenrod
- Stiff Goldenrod
- Mugwort English Asters
- Evening Primrose
- Echinacea
- Fox Tail
- Harry Old Field White Aster
- Swamp Milk Weed
- Swamp Rose Mallow
- Cut Plant
- Bees
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